Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm tired

This is Kara :B

As soon as I closed the file, all of my exhaustion came back in one heavy hit and I'm tired again.

Anyways, I made it a goal to get better at inking things, and then.. never inked anything. Way to get better thar Annie *thumbs up* Also discovered that inking and scanning has just about as many benefits as just penciling and scanning x3 I really need some better way to scan my stuff than importing from paint...

Anywho, like I said, this character is Kara. I decided to include her in my story, because I forgot she existed and I need some more females other than the lead x3

Kara is from a really old picture I drew way back in July of 07. I drew this picture when I first created Ain, and just assumed he was a total playboy. He seemed the type, but it turns out I was very very wrong. I took her outfit from another character design from a story I did nothing with, and decided the lead for that story was undeserving of the nifty outfit I gave her.

Kara was nobody important, just a hanger on, a floozy, a blonde, and a slut. She didn't even have a name.

THIS Kara is much much better, she's high energy, very in your face, laughs at just about anything remotely funny, and spends endless hours teasing Ainmire for whatever she can come up with to tease him about. She loves Ain, Ain doesn't reciprocate, but that doesn't stop her from constantly expressing her feelings anyways. She's got a big heart and Ain's rejection doesn't get her down, because she knows that deep down he DOES care about her.

In his own special way :B

Oh, and she's got a spitfire temper. Ain's the level headed one in the relationship here >...>

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