Sunday, January 3, 2010

Pretty Snazzy!

I got markers for Christmas. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Of course I had to play with them... However, since coming home Sunday, my days have been filled with nothing but portfolios, insanity, panic attacks, cleaning, and desperately needed vacations from my brain.

So today, during yet another vacation from my brain, I had Chelsea over to 1. Spare me from losing my mind, and 2. to give me pointers on drawing animals. In return, I was going to show her how I ink things!

So really fast in my red pencil, I drew up a Suka doodle, and I inked. I really can't give advice on inking, seeing as I just started inking things myself over the summer... But I shared what I knew; Confidence! Confidence and learning to be intuitive with your lines. And practice! Which I need more of!

I'm still not happy with the amount of line variety I get in my drawings, even though it is far more than if you handed me a pen and asked me to ink something last March. So, after quickly sketching it, I scanned Suka into my computer and told Chelsea how I removed the red lines and cleaned up my linearts for colouring! Theres about a hundred million different ways to do this... So I emailed her some links to check out for herself when she got home and wasn't depending on memory.

I wasn't initially planning on colouring this... But Chelsea was drawing doggies on my bed and I was wheeling around asking her questions and playing music when I glanced in my closet to my yet untested markers.

Of course, I yanked them out and was like, "I LIEK MARKERZ!" And pulled up my sketchbook for a baseboard and started to marker. I like the smell of markers, but I'm blaming them for my current headache.

I realized my scanner does a very nice job of scanning colours! It doesn't eat them or destroy them, just takes them, and puts them on my screen. Ah, and no skin tone yet. Why? Because like hell I'm going to colour pale Suka with a marker labeled "Peach". She's not a fruit, thank you! I'll be picking up some better skin tones once the school bookstore is open again. Tomorrow I'm back to work anyways.




  1. YAY I was there when you drew herrr and coloured herr<3~
    and it's no problem coming over! I had fun!!! WATCHING MOULIN ROUGEE YESSS

    plus you can come over to my house this week if you want too XD! My mom offered. She was sad that you were all by yourself~

    Thanks again for inspiring me like mad today! I really needed it

  2. oooooo! I likie! Suka looks really pretty in this one! She looks refreshed! YAY!
