Sunday, March 21, 2010


Today, I have nothing except this link.

Personal Portfolio made for Digital Media Class.

Which you should totally click on and follow around and comment because I spent hours on it and it's really nifty.

Before you decide to take a look, the contacts tab doesn't work. What it's supposed to do, is it's supposed to open up as a separate email window, that goes to my sheridan email. However, SWF files apparently don't support that feature.

That's all right though, because PDF files support that feature!

But PDF files don't support page transitions, and without them, my entire portfolio looks like crap.

I'll be asking my teacher about that, because everything I read says that PDF's can indeed support page transitions, and if I could just get that one aspect working, I wouldn't need a SWF file, I could use the PDF. It also means I could include bookmarks, which is good.

I also wanted my splash page to open with a quick slideshow, with a flashing of four separate images, each one of my characters, and then fading to the "Annie-Mation" window, with a blinking cursor beside it.

InDesign isn't capable of making slideshows, or supporting animated gifs.

It's like trying to paint with a toothpick, there's so much I want to do but the program just won't support it.

I was up until four in the morning working on this; and then my room mate texted me at eight thirty asking if she could borrow my jam. The weekend world doesn't exist before nine, please don't do that on a day when I don't have class.

Other than that, I've got my biggest concern for next week out of the way! Now all I have left is a 400 word report, 2 billboard designs and a drawing of Bernini's David with some muscles and bones.

Hooray! I think I'm going to eat some dinner.




  1. I finally saw it! I just saw the random ad on the top of the site so I was rather confused it didn't occur to me that I should scroll down XD sorry!

    It looks so NICE! I like the gallery part, and the fading effect when you click certain applications (I think thats what the bar at the top is called)
