Monday, February 23, 2009

Guess what I did today?

Finished my portfolio! That's what! Hahahahahahaha

I'm going to warm you now, If you're expecting a blog that makes sense, don't read this, because I am INCREDIBLY hyper and will suffer for it tomorrow.

So I hate these... but I love them XD I hate them because they are so LAME and so action for the sake of action drawings >< Look at the bottom one, what is he doing? Can you guess? HE'S JUMPING OVER A WALL AND REACHING FOR SOMETHING THAT ONLY HE CAN SEE 8D

But I love them because I enjoyed drawing them and they came out well =3

Ainmire totally hates my guts now, but I let him punch someone in the face, so he's forgiven me just the tiniest bit.

I'm still wondering what the HELL happened to Laurent XD he seems to have vanished...


BUT I AM DONE. Animal life drawings (No, I'm not happy with them, but they will suffice) my two hand drawings, my character rotation, my expression sheet, my two action poses, my storyboard, my composition drawings, my room drawings (I wish I had the time to redo those for line weights like I initially planned), and of course, my five original artworks. Two of which are miniature digital paintings centered on the page, One which is six sketches collaged together on one piece of paper, one which is three ATC's set up on the same page, and the last which is one of my design pieces. OH MY GOODNESS I FEEL SO LIBERATED.

All that I have left to do is to pick out another life drawing I am proud of (I may include some extra's in my portfolio) get those scanned in at the printing center (and if they do not do stuff like that, then I will figure out something otherwise) print EVERYTHING off, print up my title page, and make it all nice and hand-in-able, and.. Hand it in.

And that is it!!! I have completed it, it is finished!

I was having doubts Friday, but I've decided not to worry about it, that I am going to let things happen as they will, and if I DON'T get in, and I do wind up in Advertising.. I've more or less decided unless I have some hidden passion for advertising, I'm going to try again next year.

Wish me the best! *runs in a circle* Goodbye for now!

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