Sunday, March 29, 2009


Okay, so Uhm.. I think it's a pretty damn safe bet to say I didn't get into animation.

Couple days have passed, and now I don't feel like such a loser!

Still don't feel all that hot, but whatever, I'll deal. And I'm dealing. And my friends are awesome and supportive and amazing and uh.. not letting me feel like a loser =P


I am still capable of drawing.

Which surprised the hell out of me, considering last year when I got my rejections, I was unable to draw for well over three months. I do remember that very clearly.

ARTWORKS tralalalalala *uploads*

And here we have it. I actually like it, even thought the anatomy is very wrong x3 Okay well the anatomy isn't even that bad, it's just a bit skewed on the right shoulder there..

So the story behind the art! I'd had a nice lovely hot shower, and while I was in the shower.. the sun set. What a surprise. I walk back to my room and sit on the computer as I brush out my hair. I don't bother to turn on the lights, cause.. well E-Vain is kinda bright. So I'm talking to Sarah, and telling her about this pill bug I was oh-so-lucky to step on when I got out of my shower. I'm chatting, blahblahblah, when, I notice this thing in the top left corner of my screen. I pay it a little mind, and realize it has multiple little pointy legs and is doing that creepy thing spiders do when they climb back up a string of webbing.

Spiders are cool, don't get me wrong, I like the creepy crawly nasty buggers, cause.. Well they eat the OTHER creepy crawly nasty buggers I really don't like. For the most part, when I see a spider, I leave the dude alone. On my computer, nothing but a black silhouette in a dark room?

Yeaaaa-ha-ha-haaaaah.... No. I gave a really odd strangled scream and pushed back from my computer and staggered to my feet, throwing my brush off my lap and somewhere across the room, tripping over my chair, finally managing to turn on my lamp and spin back to my computer.. and the bastards gone.


Guess where he was hiding? He was hiding in the little golden christmas bow I'd stuck on my moniter in December and never bothered to take off.


So I'm standing there, wondering how the heck I'm going to kill this thing, when my brother comes up, presumably curious as to why I screamed and caused such a ruckus. I tell him to get the spray, and I get a piece of paper, the idea that we were going to douse the ribbon in spray, and the spider would fall out in all that wonderful shrivelled curled glory that IS a dead spider, and I could throw it away.

Didn't work so well. The spray was apparently broken, so I was like.. okay, cool, I'll just reach over, detach the tape that is holding the ribbon onto my screen, and then we can stomp the shit out of it. I detach the ribbon, it falls on the paper, and the thing scurries out, and beelines it directly for me.

Gave the funny high pitched, "Oh, oh oh!", did a funny dance move, waved my free hand like a dofus before i realize that I'm still holding the thing and dropped the paper. The spider was then on my floor, so I promptly clambered away from it, right up onto my dresser, where I perched and yelled at my brother to "KILL IT, KILL IT, NO NOT THAT WAY, KILL IT!!!"

Eventually, after a lot of frightened squeaks on my end, spider became a damp splot under a piece of tissue paper on my floor.


Tada, story behind the art!

Fun fact, the ribbon the bastard was hiding in detached itself from my screen as I was sitting here typing. Heart skipped a couple beats, breath caught in my lungs, and I managed again, "Oh--!" and some frantic hand waving before it clicked that it was nothing more than ribbon.

Jerk spider!!!


  1. At least you weren't the spider.... you can try again next year if you didn't get into animation... that spider can't. I seriously think that you SHOULD have gotten in Annie-dear. Never give up on your dreams! You have improved so much since I met you, you can only get better and when you DO get in, you will blow everyone away with your talent! Seriously, you have improved more than ANYONE that I know and you have the potential to be a great animator! Don't forget that!

  2. lmao!
    Oh Annie how I love thee!
    You so make my day with your awesome stories!
    I was really bored, sitting here doing my blog-portfolio for my Ethics class when I decided I wanted to see what you have been up to.. and I read about you jumping around because of a spider..
    If it was me I would've run and screamed as soon as I saw it.. and then made someone go and kill it for me while I was out of the room! lol
    I say again, how I love thee! <3
