Sunday, April 12, 2009

Busy, yet totally non-productive weekend!

And the last Drawing I managed to pull off this weekend. Which is actually two drawings that I put together, but yeah, you get the gist.

Started as just a drawing of Suka, and I was like.. this is boring, I wanna draw somebody else too! And I was GONNA draw Chase, but I was like... Hmmm... with recent developments as they are... IWANNADRAWVAMPIRE!!!

But, alas, there wasn't enough room on the paper, cause I sorta drew her just.. hovering in the center of the page for some unknown reason. So out came the second sheet of paper!

Damn Sarah and her uber skinny people DX

But Yay for long flow-y silver hair 8D Oh my goodness that was fun >< both to draw and colour. So yeah.. 99% certain I'd shit myself if i ran into this guy in RL. WAY too tall XD way way way way way way way way way way too tall. And creepy. Sure he CAN be a gentleman, but for the most part.. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'd just be terrified. And I've decided, yeaaaaah, Suka's not short enough. WELL, at least with Monty I don't have to worry about making her too tall, like I always do with Chase!

Even though I was just bitching a couple paragraphs ago about her uber skinny characters, I had a lot of fun drawing Monty as I caught up on the latest episodes of Supernatural. Ha, oh whoops... I totally forgot about the print on his.. kimono/shirt dealy >< BUT THE HAIR! <3 <3 <3

I'm also getting better at the stick people :B

Take THAT you twiggy bastard.

I was very tempted to paint him with candycane hair =P

Suka's outfit is pink again... WELL YOU KNOW WHAT... I don't really care anymore x3

I love Montague XD nuff said.

Picture dedicated to my very amazing friend Sarah =]

I'm out, tired and gotta sleep x3


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