Friday, April 24, 2009

Chapter closing

It still feels so wrong to have school end in April. Leah kinda brick walled me when she told me that if I was in high school-- I'd be jealous.

And I guess I would be! But right now I'm just like.. Holy shit that was the most fast moving eight months of my life- this last week especially. It's like just yesterday I started going to Sheridan, and now it's done with. I didn't make my goal in getting into Animation, I'm heading into a second year of visual and creative design, and... I've got a house leased with my friends.

Yeah, Didn't see this coming >< Did NOT see it coming from a mile away.

This last week was.. Something else. I've been at school every day so far, Sunday to look at a townhouse to rent, Monday for class, Tuesday to make deposit on said house, Wednesday for class, Thursday because I forgot my homework due Friday, and Today, for class. Now I've said goodbye to my classmates and friends and I'm like.. woah, I can't really believe everything that's happened.

Hell, I've impressed MYSELF this year, which is a bit of a miracle, as I tend to think everything I do is substandard and not meeting up to somebodies expectations of me.

Anyways.. I guess in.. celebration? Naw, let's just call it closing.. In closing of my first year of college-- which was amazing and more than I was ever expecting to find:

Before you think anything, Yes this was based on a true event.

I also couldn't give a shit about the colouration of the goose.

Remember when a spider chased me up my dresser? Well today, a goose chased me clear across a parking lot.

I had a job interview at eight thirty this morning at Sheridan, Davis campus. My dad drops me off at the corner, and I start to walk towards the school, taking a pathway I assume leads towards the main entrance. Well, there was this Canadian Goose sitting on the pathway... I also assumed that as I got closer, it would waddle away, as most.. avian creatures tend to do when you get to close.

Nope. It hissed at me, standing on one foot and looking at me. I stopped dead, deciding I didn't want to mess with the goose, and started to back off... Then it charged at me.

Let's just say my brothers childhood fear of geese makes perfect sense now.

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