Saturday, April 25, 2009

I can feel my brain melting

Into a relatively large puddle of nonproductive-ness.

For starters today, I woke up around noon. The house was eerily empty, and I was thinking I should look into some breakfast, so went downstairs to put the kettle on. As well as a load of laundry, which is still in the dryer if I remember correctly. Came back upstairs and watched the Hunchback of Notre Dame as I nursed my cup of tea, and did a little bit of typing. When my tea was gone, I had a shower, and I'm getting a little tired of all the attention suddenly granted to me when I shut the water off. This time it was dad informing me he'd brought home some samosa's for me to eat.


I got dressed, and had fun playing the game where I try to pull of as little clothing as possible, yet cover as much skin as possible. A skirt and tank won out, though the lovely day only lasted for about an hour or two before the storm set in and I had to run around and close all the windows.

My first day of summer and I accomplished nothing 8D hell, I hardly left the house today. Watched Hunchback, Back the the Future, Anchorman (I now understand a lot of the flair my friend was sending me), and I am now starting the second back to the future movie. This one is the one where they go into the future to stop their kid, I think.. instead of where they go to the old old west. Weeeee.

Finally decided I'd doodle something! It started as me mapping out the first page of my comic (I'm on a deadline now with my friend Leah) and turned into me realizing the first completely not important character to make an appearance.. doesn't have a design. So I had to get cracking on that :B

So here he iiiiiis, (on the right in black and white) and he doesn't have a name. Not because I couldn't be bothered to come up with one, I decided that it would be best if in the story, his name never gets mentioned. I wrote in my blue pencil, "Three months, I'll be back!"


Well like I said, he's not really a very prominent character, so I guess it doesn't totally matter if I share everything about him. And by everything I mean very little >< Pretty much, he's the son of a wealthy merchant. A very nice guy, if a bit oblivious to people around him. He gets idea's and acts on impulse, never one for planning or arranging, he's typically just.. up and go. Hence the reason why his role in the story is so brief, he's there for the prologue, and then takes off on a little quest and just.. never returns.

He's Suka's husband, as was arranged by their parents, though Suka's parents died before-- anticipated, pushing the role of a wife on their daughter a lot earlier than would be ideal. He handled it pretty well, taking the small portion of his fathers wealth allotted to him and setting up house and all of that fun stuff and was able to look after her. Course, after he disappeared, his father (Suka's father-in-law) had no problem backing right out and leaving Suka to fend for herself, with virtually nothing.


Anyways, These aren't the clothes he'll be wearing when I finally get around to doing something, I was just being a lazy idiot and stuffing him in my default shirt and vest combo. I'm probably going to design costumes in the next two hours or so while I watch the second Back to the Future, and then get down to scribbling up the timeline I was gonna start after my shower and.. didn't.

Other doodles are just me exploring the character Eli again, also in the default shirt and vest combo. Oh I'm inveeeeeentive.

Starting to get a feeling for the way Eli looks, I think. Go me 8D

Okay, back to brain-melt-ville and costume design.

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