Saturday, July 10, 2010

Put in a Bit of Effort

Tada!! This is a picture I did for my friend Tara as part of a trade. It's her character Avery, and her characters other self, Geist.

In return, I get well endowed Tinette.

I had a lot of fun drawing this, but I started the drawing in ballpoint-- then decided to fly with it and finish drawing it in ballpoint and going as far as to paint it and clean it up and hand it to her. All drawn in ballpoint!

I really love sketching in ballpoint.

So, ballpoint pen, aaand water colour pencil crayons. I really love having these things on me all the time, it makes colouring things so much faster, easier, and readily accessible than it did before.

This- is an age meme. Oooo. Yeah, I don't know what got into me. I just randomly wanted to actually FINISH one of my age meme's. This is the third one I've drawn all the characters for; the other two were Tinette and Suka.

I had a lot of fun designing these- Ninja's one of those characters that's just really fun to draw, because she's always doing something, or always moving, and when she's not moving around, she's got such personality just in the way she attempts to sit still.

So yeah, crossing a gap of twenty years, Ninja leads a pretty solid happy-go-lucky lifestyle; right up until shortly after the age sixteen drawing- at which point, Rebel dies saving her life, and things get bitter.

Pretty impressive though; over the course of a few years she manages to organize one hell of a rebellion and completely topple the standing government. She goes down in the history books as being the liberator of Rise (a single building large enough to house several cities and is, essentially, it's own country), but she just disappears after assassinating the president.

My friend Tara asked me today about Ninja's blood line. It's pretty simple; Ninja was a illegitimate child and the product of her mothers irresponsible actions. When Rebels father learns the truth of his wife's pregnancy, he leaves. This clues Rebel in that Ninja isn't his sister; but that doesn't change his feelings towards her. Alleiah decides to raise the child anyways. That is, until she turns four and Alleiah realizes her illegitimate child has none of the gifts and talents of her people. Ashamed, she asks her son Rebel to take her and run away with her. He does, living a life of prejudice to spare Ninja that kind of life.

In a roundabout way, Rebels death is all Alleiah's fault, who refuses to accept Ninja as her child.

Fun times!



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