And what am I doing with that chance? Scanning and typing and posting to RPs.
Okay, so to the left! This is a picture of Rebel, Ninja and Alleiah. This is probably along the point in the time line where Rebel is on the run, and trying to find a safe place for his sister. He brings her home, hoping their mother will look after his little sister- but, she refuses, too ashamed of her mistakes from the past.
Rebel is then forced to take Ninja with him and to try to protect her. This all eventually leads to his demise.
This is the closest I'll ever get to a family portrait of the three.
I used to think Ninja and Rebel were even players in Rise, but they're not. The story is all about Ninja, again following the characters growth and change. I'm so bad with epics- All of my stories focus on particular characters and the changes they go through as life goes on.
I think, at the base of it, I've really got two stories. Sure, I've got starts and middles and finishes and bits here and bits there, and occasionally a complete, albeit thready plot; But I think the only two stories I care about are these ones.
I usually feel kinda bad, because I don't have as many characters as a lot of my friends, since as far back as I can remember sharing stories- but the characters I do have, are very special to me.

Aaaand a really quick "I'm trying to stop drawing crap" scribble of Suka. She's not all covered up, so this is probably post-rescue, and shortly before her disease gets too powerful and she croaks.
Despite everything she'd gone through, she's still happy, though a lot more conscientious of the world around her, and much more independent. By the end of the story, Suka's finally figured out that she can't always count on someone being around to look after her. Granted, it comes by the overwhelming feeling of being abandoned- after living with it for close to two years, and wanting nothing more than to be left to her own suffering, she accepts this and can carry on with life like a normal human being.
And then Alan comes to save the day! Yaaay!! Which leads to even more excitement. I love writing.
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