Ainmire and Kara make me smile because they're hilariously contrasting. Kara never let's Ainmire get a word in edgewise, and Ainmire doesn't know how to operate around Kara.
For the most part, she's convinced they're already married and going to spend their lives together. Ainmire cares about her, but he can't get the whole 'commitment' deal through his head. He doesn't like people touching him or being emotional to him and just.. doesn't deal with people well. They do live together, and even so far as to sleep in the same bed (This doesn't work out a lot and Ain sleeps on the floor because he's such a light sleeper and Kara wakes him up all the time), but every time Kara tells him she loves him, he counters with "No you don't." He'd murder the crap out of anyone who would hurt her, and he's a great guy, really- he just has a hard time being close to people.
Not my favourite drawing ever, I drew Kara's eyes too high and I'm disappointed with that, but knowing me I'll probably draw it again, because that's what I do when I draw things I don't like in execution but do like in visualization; I draw them repeatedly until I get it right.
So! Some Ainmire, acting very out of character, letting Kara get this close to his face (You can see the reality as a little doodle off to the left there) and he's actually smiling. I was going to have his hand in there holding her face, but I had already ruined the drawing and just wanted to finish.
They are a hilariously mis-matched couple, but they have their moments, and when they have them, they're adorable.