Friday, December 17, 2010

Some Profile Sketches

I'm horrible when it comes to updating my characters profiles in RP's, so I figured I'd take a break and make the effort.

This of course, is Suka;

Suka Amaia (Strife, for present RP)
Human girl
Frightened of everything

It takes a very very very long time for Suka to get any sort of backbone, and it's kinda of.. hampering what I could do because I really don't know how to give her that shove that forces her to stand up for herself without the catalyst I designed in her original story.

It will be painted, and in that nifty little halo around her head, I'm going to design a chunk of back ground and paint it in all neat like. Perhaps I'll ink it tomorrow!

This is Kara;

Kara Naidu
21 (Holy jeeze, she's my age!)
Human Housewife
Open hearted and caring.

I cannot tell you how long I struggled with Kara. It's like I'd get her face right and then everything else was just wrong. She started to look a lot like Tina, and then she started to look too generic- but while I was spending the night at my friend Winter's, I managed to successfully get Kara's body shape down.

Round, soft, and gorgeous.

I like it when a girl is curvaceous and still confident in who she is and how beautiful she is. Kara is that girl. Lady. Girl.

She's also going to have a floating halo of background!

In Ghost of Man she's currently stuck with Fray, because Ainmire ran off on her and she was heartbroken.

I had a drawing for Tina- but I really didn't like it. Her face was odd, though for the life of me I can't pinpoint why. I'm also pretty sure I gave her a tree trunk for a torso, which is not okay for Tinette. So I will be redesigning that particular piece! But I look forward to finishing.

