The other day, my dear friend Corrin came up to see me in Oakville! I don't get to see Crin a lot, but I've seen her twice this month, and what must be three times this entire year. Whoof, who could believe it?
After watching Doctor Who for a couple hours, we decided to go to the mall, because the mall was within walking distance, and the mall had a Davids Tea. While we were there, we decided to go into H&M, on my request. I was looking for a ridiculously baggy sweater, but instead Crin pointed out a black coat that could be a good replacement for the one I was wearing.
I love my coat so much, I've had it for almost a decade and it's gone through a lot. I had the zipper replaced, one of the snaps replaced, one of the buckles snapped in two, the pocket was half torn off, I put my hand through the lining that morning, the elbows were threadbare, the wind tore right through it, and the cuff was getting steadily shorter as it frayed to nothing and I repaired it with billions of stitches of black thread.
But I loved my coat. I'd had it for years and I got it from my dad as a birthday present when I was fourteen, along with a Blink 182 album with a parental advisory. I looked at the new black coat, and I looked at the price, and it wasn't bad- but did it really matter? This coat had serviced me well since I was a child. Then I saw a red coat. And I rushed over to the red coat and pulled it on. And then I saw a longer, teal coat. I abandoned the red coat in favour of the teal one. I looked at the price. It was fifty percent off.
I caved.
I bought the teal coat.
Leaving the store, I was still carrying my worn, beaten, loyal coat.
I wanted to donate it, but Crin pointed out there was a trash can I could put it in.
I have never found it so difficult to part with something I own.
My poor coat is now gone, but I have a beautiful teal coat to replace it.
R.I.P. Coat. You gave me years and years of loyal service.
I wept.
ReplyDeleteHey what do you mean your DAD? lol. Mom's always take a back seat. I can't believe you trashed it...I mean all I was thinking about was that I could have made a fibre art piece with that wool. ha ha...I guess it was time...but I really could have made something with the parts.
ReplyDeleteI hope the teal coat goes as far for you.
love ya...too much.