Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Straying into things you shouldn't"


That was awesome fun.

Anyways, Once again I picked up my long since stuffed away character, and decided to doodle him.

While i was painting, his palette slowly became pretty much white and blue (he started with pigmentation in the skin, really) And I'm happy with the results.

"I'm working on a new doll.. would you like to see it?"

I had to think about it for a while while I was painting his chest, because.. Originally (Ack, I forgot his soul again @_@) I realized, Yukio would have to be wasted to virtually nothing. He is technically no longer in control of his body, therefore neglects it, but.. well I didn't feel like turning him into a skeleton. Skinny, yes, skeletal.. no.

So I thought about it and I figured.. Even if he doesn't have a soul, it doesn't mean he isn't in control of his body. Granted, his awareness of his connection to his physical being is probably a bit.. messed up, but he'd still have survival mode, and therefore eat enough to keep his body going. Probably looks a lot like Gollum and his fish friends but.. He does eat. Meaning when he gets his soul back, he won't be returning to a dead body. Neglected and badly needing attention/nourishment, but alive.

I've decided he's going to play a part in my story. Not a very huge role, but.. well, he doesn't deserve to rot in my file folder for eternity. He's a pretty awesome character!

Oh, the doll...

Right, how to explain this.. Yukio is something of a serial killer. Only, he doesn't work on the physical plane, more on the spiritual one. He never ACTUALLY kills anyone.He's a practitioner of the dark arts (which are sort of.. illegal), and is capable of removing a persons soul and storing it in another object. He then is able to control the empty vessel left behind. He makes dolls of all his chosen victims, and stores the soul inside the doll. A "Soul Puppeteer" if you will =] I had to come up with some kind of creepy trademark x3

That's also what he did to himself, because the process is a little risky, as you risk accidentally removing your own soul in the process. So, he decided to get the jump on the disadvantages, and removed his own soul, storing it in a little glass vial he wears around his neck (that I keep forgetting to draw). Close enough he's still connected, but now safe from harms way 8D

His reasons for choosing such a life are his own and not mine to divulge >...>

No interesting story for today, except I made dinner and lemonade and pie. ALRIGHT <3

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