Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Persistance is key!

Stupid headache.. Hasn't given up all day, though I've had advil and tea and anything else I can imagine to help. Had a nap and everything!

So here's today's picture! I was thinking about drawing Ain for a while, and i was thinking about what kind of clothes he'd wear in a modern setting.. after all, you hardly see guys running around in kilts in this day and age.


Anyways, so I'd been thinking about it for a while, and finally I got around to drawing it when my friend Sarah thought it would be funny to make fun of Ain... by turning him into Marilyn Monroe.

PFT real men wear kilts. I don't care WHAT happens in the process of wearing them!

Though I did find it extremely amusing.

Sarah and Leah were beating up Suka today D=> bullies.

Anyhow, still fooling around with cell shading techniques and stuff, I was going to colour the lines up all nice and pretty, buuuut something went wrong in the photoshop process and I lost the chace x3 No biggie, I don't really mind black lines anyhow. Lame background, just so he had something to sit on ><

I forgot to colour his scars AGAIN, and uh.. apparently his right sleeve just vanishes somewhere. Cooooooool.

Not a fan of my new sketch book, the pages are slightly textured which makes everything I draw look a bit.. weird, to say the least, and it's slightly larger than 8.5x11 to make way for easy tearing out of pages.. also makes it fit not so great on my scanner. So nuuuupe, not a big fan XD I'll work with it, maybe I'll grow to love it. Or chuck it and buy another one.


I'm probably going to go to bed early tonight if this headache continues as it has.

1 comment:

  1. lol it's all good.. he looks awesome, even if he IS out of his kilt..
    Why don't guys walk around in kilts anymore?
