Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm Waiting for Pastry to Thaw.

I haven't been finishing anything lately, so I'm going to drop out some WIP's I got going down! Hopefully by the time I'm finished my puff pastry will be malleable and I can go prepare some dinner. Mmmm, spinach.

SO, first work in progress! I started this one shortly after I finished "Where the Green Things Grow" because Alan's profile was in need of an update.

I like Alan; he's fun, active, even if he is a bit of loser. Alan talks bigger than he is, but there's not much I can do about that.

When I was working on my character profiles, I found it kinda funny that I drew Alan in a city. See, Alan doesn't really like to sit still. He moves around a lot and hates being confined. He spends about 80% of his time outdoors, yet here I drew him, inside of a city.

Yet, I drew Suka, who would prefer nothing than to be safely nestled away indoors away from anything strange and terrifying; in a forest, with a bunch of plants.

I think my characters are trying to tell me something.

This, is one I'm really enjoying so far, I just don't have the time to work on it. I've always loved fireflies, despite the fact that I'm terrified of just about every insect I come across. Yes, even lady bugs. Butterflies aren't too bad though. They don't bite, as far as I know.

Anyways, my friend Chelsea posted a picture online with her and her friend as doggies in a forest of crimson butterflies (I know, she's so cruel) and I was like... I want to paint fireflies.

And so, I started this picture! You can't tell what's really going on, because the line art is lost on the background, but yeah, it's slowly coming together. I still have more light to add, another candle, and a billion fireflies.

I didn't want to draw a typical pose of characters flat out on their backs staring up at the pretty sky, so I spent a while working on the pose. In the end, I wound up stealing the pose from when Chris and I were hanging out at my house once, just chillin' on the bed being cool like that.

I'm really excited to finish this one, like... insanely excited.

My mouse is just slowly working its way across my two screens and I'm not even touching it.

This last one I drew today. Sarah and I are starting another RP, this time giving one we started a long time ago a second go around. We sort of murderized the shit out of it last time. We get some new players this time around, which is pretty exciting! After seeing my old profile pictures I was obligated to make some new ones, the old ones being just.. well, way too gross looking.

I leveled up around January, and these were pre-portfolio pictures, eeewy.

I started with Tinette! One of my personal favourites. Of course, every time I draw her now her hips just keep getting bigger and bigger.. I'm getting way to carried away with curves, BUT SHE'S SO MUCH FUN TO DRAW!!

It seems like Tina's going to have a boyfriend for the first time since she was a teenager. Iiiiinteresting.

Very interesting.

I'm working on Rebel and Ninja next, but so far I'm unhappy with the results. I can't wait to finish these, haha.



1 comment:

  1. Tinanette is amazing. I like how full her figure is <3
