I'm here to complain about my static artwork!
Complain I shall.
I've been having difficulties drawing lately, burning out of inspiration, I guess. I've been trying to get back into the swing of things, because Fan Expo is coming up in a month; and I've done nothing art related.
I got the inspiration a couple of days ago, when I was talking to one of my friends about a particular character of mine.
Eli is a special race of demon; one that I haven't bothered to name yet. Eli's race is special because there are no females of the race. They consist entirely of males, and the method of reproduction is incredibly unorthodox; It requires a flat cliff face, a lot of magic, a really crude C section and a blood sacrifice of the mother.
Lovely, hm?
Anyways, I'm just looking at it, and I'm immediately frustrated. Why? Because it's boring to look at. Something crude and shocking is HAPPENING, but I look at the picture and I'm like... falling asleep.
What should be different? Well, he (these characters are not characters in specific, just generic demon/woman) should be leaning forwards more. There should be more anger in the motion than I managed to actually draw. And she should be reeling back a lot more. She's getting her innards ripped out, but she's just.. standing there.
I fail.
But! I'm kinda gettin' back into the drawing swing again! Granted, it's through silhouettes... but still, better than nothing!
I have to wake up in a few hours for work.