Frankly, it's a stupid idea, but I'm running with it anyways!
Basically, I feel a burnout coming on. I felt it coming a few weeks ago, and I fought it off with a feel good movie and some junk food.
But it's back.
And it's determined to sink it's claws into me.
I'm determined to fight back.
Basically, my theory works like this. I'm waking up feeling exhausted every morning, despite how much sleep I actually get. So, to counter act this exhaustion; I'm going to push it to an all out extreme. I'm skipping a night of sleep, just for shits and giggles.
By the time tomorrow after work comes around; I will have been awake for *counts on fingers* thirty nine hours. What does that equal for me? Instant pass out. The second my head hit's the pillow, I'm going to be sound asleep.
I'm pretty much pulling an extended Nuit Blanche on myself in an attempt to reset my sleeping schedule so I wake up feeling refreshed, and in that aspect, fight off the burnout again.
Oh yes, I make perfect sense.
To the picture! On the left we have- my OC Suka.
"But wait," You're thinking. "That looks nothing like her. She's wearing PANTS!"
"And of course, she's missing an important appendage and it's been replaced with an impractical prosthetic!"
Yes, yes she is wearing pants. And yes, she does have a rather stupid looking left arm.
"What happened!?" You demand angrily.
"Now please, settle down," I counter.
This is an older design I had for Suka. I was talking with my coworker, and I was explaining how the Suka everyone I know knows about, came to be.
See, Suka used to be two very different people. I had two stories, and I didn't know which one I wanted, so I took a different Suka in each direction. About a year or two ago, the strain of two separate personalities on one character was getting to me. I took my two story lines, hacked them apart and then put them back together as one.
The Suka that existed in a world where she was strong and independent died out in favour of the monophobic Suka who needed someone at her side to take care of her.
At all times.
I thought this Suka offered much more room for character growth, and to be honest, she appealed to me a lot more than the demon-hunter Suka who existed in a parallel universe.
However, I wasn't sure if the awkwardness of a strong-hearted Suka really was getting the point across; So I grabbed my pen and made a quick doodle.
And yes, everything about this Suka is wrong (she's wearing HEELED BOOTS).
I had to change quite a few things when I picked which of the two personalities I preferred, but, I think it was for the best. This universe also had a very different ending, that was incredibly cliche and lame.
Definitely came out on top when it comes to story, haha.
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