But, between all that, I did find time to get some drawing in, though not a whole lot.
First, on the left I have a couple ballpoint pictures I coloured really quickly with my water colour brush. The first one is Suka, obviously, dressed up in different gear from what I normally give her. I started a new RP with my dear girl, and this one involves the Grecian storyline I made a couple of years ago specifically to do battle comics with.
Instead, I wound up using it for and RP, but the RP died because... Well, I don't know, it just died.
It's going quite well now and we're having a lot of fun, ha.
Ainmire and Kara as well, and they're both being used in the same RP. Kara and Suka are both currently being held hostage while Ainmire and Kerorphe are busy fighting for their lives in a giant labyrinth just jam packed of monsters, demi-gods, and idiots.

To the right, are Ninja and Suka!
Ninja was just a doodle I did when I was trying to get into drawing again; You can tell because my anatomy is bad, I didn't draw a shoe, she's leaning on nothing, and it looks kinda stupid.
I never draw Rebel... Poor guy, he's been taking a lot of heat lately from my coworkers/friends.
Beside that, holy crap, it's Suka again!
I know.
This is a mock up for something I'm working on in the long run. I still have a lot of work to do, because after three drawings I still wasn't happy with this one.
Oh well!
I do have a great picture planned out, I just have to actually draw it.

Tada! Yukio and Ainmire.
I love drawing Yukio, and I miss my baby very much.
I sort of wish I could just skip to writing about him in my own story, but he's quite a ways off in my storyline.
He won't be as interesting after the fact, when he gets his soul returned... but that's alright, he's still my baby.
Besides, when he gets his soul back, he get's hilariously jaded and whiny and he acts a lot like... like... well I'm not sure, but it's humorously flamboyant.
Ainmire I just drew because at work we were discussing why kilts are so awesome on men, and why I had a character with a kilt in the first place. Eventually I'll be able to actually draw him as a like.. properly built dude.. but so far! The musculature is not happening.
One day.
His outfit used to be hilariously complicated. Now I've simplified it to a cape and a kilt and some fuzzy boots.

And this, is Suka, Tinette, and one little Yukio who got sat on.
It's also an account of my fight with the flies.
Oh, these were also drawn the night I didn't have any sleep at all.
So they make no sense.
Tinette and Yukio, what the hell, that never happens.
But the idea crossed my mind, I found it remotely funny (by remotely I mean I was killing myself laughing) and I decided to draw it.
Also, a curvy Tinette that was RIDICULOUSLY fat before I realized I was insane with sleep deprivation and redrew it.
And, a Suka, sitting on some sort of invisible surface!
I'm so awesome.
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