This is what I was up till three in the morning drawing.
I don't have any varied lines, because I'm taking a break on those until it clicks a little better.
Gotta say, I'm not having the best few weeks. Came down with a cough a few weeks ago that just got worse and worse, and nobody would believe me when I said it wasn't a cold. I couldn't really walk all that great, I was short for breath, I got dizzy easily, I lost my appetite, and I was coughing so hard it hurt to breathe and my spine felt like it was going to snap. I thought maybe I had the flu, and tried to sleep it off, but it didn't work so well.
Went to the clinic, and was diagnosed with pneumonia and given a prescription for some medication. Continued to have a bad week, trying to get my homework finished on time while trying to deal with my symptoms. And I didn't finish my homework on time. I got a note from the clinic, and I got an extension. Awesome sauce!
I came home on Saturday, forgetting my entire family still hasn't adjusted to the fact that I don't eat meat. There's very little to eat in the house, and what I can eat, my brother eats before I can get there. Something with the elevation made my cough worse, which sucked, and finally, my mom dragged me to the hospital to get more medication, and chest X-rays.
Oh yeah, sexy hospital gown.
On the positive spectrum of things, I finished my project for character design, as can be seen above, my book page turn animation and I finished two of my cloud studies and I plan to finish the other three today. That leaves layout homework, painting homework, and life drawing homework. That would be three layouts, one painting and twelve drawings of feet.
Luckily the ocean animal animation got an extension on the deadline, so I don't have to worry about that this week, which is a load off my mind. Heck yes.
Tomorrow I'm going out to lunch with my friend Dickie, at some point I'll have coffee with my friend Meg, and tea with Stephie, somewhere along the line.
I'm feeling pretty chill right now. Had my new, really expensive medication (paying for it totally ruined my mood), ate something, and now I'm just chilling. Probably going to head downstairs before too long to do some more painting, but I'm going to relax up here for a bit first.
Oh Ninja, you lift my spirits to draw.
Oh wow, I wish my character design assignment was done. I really like yours! And you did 2 more poses than required...if I'm on a roll I might end up doing more than 6 myself. XD Prolly won't, though...
ReplyDeleteIt's crazy that you're still a bit sick too, I sure hope you get to perfect health soon. :D
It was just a bought of rotten luck. Sadface... Everyone seems to be getting pneumonia lately, but when I went to the clinic today, she said she couldn't hear it in my lungs anymore, which is great, even though I won't know for sure till the x-rays come back.
ReplyDeleteI got a little carried away, lol, she's very fun to draw and just.. makes me happy, haha. Plus the pose where she's out like a light I didn't think would fly with Enzo, so it had to be bonus, haha. Can't wait to see yours!!
Ya I've heard of others getting pneumonia. Even after being in class after class with a bunch of sickies I've surprisingly managed to not get sick. *knocks on wood* :d
ReplyDeleteOne thing I just realized about your assignment here, don't you need a 3/4 back view? :3
See, Stacey said the same thing.. But I thought I covered it with the like, vertical superman pose and the Hobbes pose, because her back is mostly to us, but Stacey says that her face needs to be turned to be a 3/4 back view... But that didn't make sense to me...
ReplyDeleteI emailed Enzo and asked him, because I thought I covered it with those two poses. I'm.. not sure when I'll find out, but having a pose where the character isn't facing the audience confuses me slightly. =/ If so, I'm sure I can do one easy x3 but I hope I covered it already.
And good, knock on lots and lots of wood!!
One day, our characters will clash <.< Your ninja and my pirate >D MWAHAHAHA
ReplyDeleteLol, her name is Ninja. She's not actually a Ninja; just moves like one.
ReplyDeleteYour pirate would feel bad beating on my girl, she's such a naive thing xD