I hope Enzo likes them, he was happy with my thumbnails, so with luck, he should like these.
If you look really closely, you can tell when I recently had my puffers, because the lines get all wibbly wobbly. Welp, in a few weeks, the shakes due to steroid inhalers should be all gone, and my lines will smooth out again!
These poses were a real treat for me, haha. They were rusty at first as I tried to get back into the swing of things, but they picked up towards the end.
The first page (on the right) wound up fitting together much better in a design sense than the second page, but that's alright, I'm in character design, not graphic design.

Honestly, some days I could just stare at my hands all day.
Printed off on nice, clean matte paper, I'm very happy with these.
I also managed to fix up the contrast on my CRT monitor, so I don't wash out my red lines and rendering while I'm trying to work. It will also help with cleaning up my whites, because they won't be washed out to a point that I can't tell they're gray, haha.

Everyone I've asked so far has told me they like the feet more than the hands and that they feel the feet are stronger drawings.
That saddens me, but at the same time it makes sense, because I drew the hands while I was slogging to school and feeling not too hot, but the feet I drew after I got an extension, went home, got some meds and recovered some.
I'm going to drop these off at Thurmans desk tomorrow, along with a thank you note for the extension.
This is what I've been up to! Still have a few more things to finish, some layout work, gettin' started on my ocean curve tomorrow, got textures to paint, and some bones to draw... Just trying to keep up to speed.
Hooray homework! It never slows down. Despite that, I still don't get the feeling every animation student I know complains of; never sleeping, being stressed to all hell, and like.. in general havoc. I'm still keeping pretty easy, sleeping plenty, and not losing my mind.
Time management, something I never thought I'd be any good at!
Go Ninja GO! Her name suits her well lol
ReplyDeleteIsn't her name marvelous? x3 I invented her after a friends cat.