Thursday, February 24, 2011

Some Step-by-Steps with Many Steps.

I couldn't draw today, and I was sent home from life drawing because my wrist was hurting me. I thought, "Oh, I'll work on that picture of Ainmire and Kara!" Totally forgetting that would involve... drawing.

So instead! I decided to break out that blasted pen tool again, and use my mouse to click together the piece. I also decided to take lots of screen shots, because my friend Victoria, and my friend Neilizza were curious as to how I made them.

For those people, and anyone else curious, I give you part one, part two, and part three.

It is a very agonizingly slow process. I have a better process that can be applied to a traditionally drawn and inked picture, but here's the process I went through to make them the pen tool way.

Bythe way, I totally don't know why I took half the pictures I took. I use photoshop hotkeys a lot, so most of my directions are in hotkeys. I don't mind clarifying up some points if anyone is confused, but I'm not going to go into a lecture on how to use photoshop. I'm way too tired to do that. Ever.

Did I ever mention how terribly I missed Ainmire? He's been missing for a while, and it was great to get the chance to draw him again. He's ambidextrous now, because I cannot settle on which hand Ainmire holds his sword in. He favours his left though.

I think it's time for some dinner.



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