Monday, March 21, 2011

Liesurely Stroll

I expect there to be a lot of these two in the time that follows- due to the fact that I'm finally starting a comic story, and it happens to star them.

Theta Gamma is where the two live; level Theta, section Gamma. Often referred to as "Theta Gamma Quadrant" and etc for all levels and quadrants of Rise. Alpha Alpha Quadrant, Alpha Beta Quadrant, Alpha Gamma Quadrant, Alpha Delta Quadrant; then BETA Alpha Qua- you get the point. I skipped "Epsilon" in the Greek alphabet when I was naming the seven levels. Mostly because I couldn't pronounce it.

So as impressed as I am with myself for finally starting a project somewhere, I'm sad. Why? Because Rebel and Ninja are very solitary workers. They have their story, and they play their roles, but they don't interact with as many characters as in my other story, and that makes me sad. That one has Suka, Alan, Eli, Ain, Kara, Tina, Booster, Jem, Yukio- etc. This has Rebel, Ninja, Alleiah, and a chance of Sherry. Which is good, I wanted to start simple, ah ha! The other one is going to be a real bit of dedication.

Like I said, I'm impressed I'm actually starting something; these are my first attempts at making comics since Peck- aaaand I'm not going to delve too deeply on Peck the woodpecker and my attempts at gag humour.

I just realized Archie comics were my very first influence as a child.

Happy times. This is my fourth day of my self-implemented "Remain positive" regime. Gotta say, getting up for stretches at the crack of dawn is harsh. But, I feel okay. Go me.



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