You can see 2010 and 2009's here!
Alright. I'm super sleepy and really want to go to bed, but I'll see if I can summarize all this.
While I was working, I didn't take my best of my best. There were other pieces I thought could have stood for the spot of "Best of the Month" but instead I decided to take the drawings that really showed I got something. Something clicked with those particular drawings, and I was able to recognize it and pin point it.
I'll start back in January, where going through my files the only thing I actually produced was a lot a lot of TRON artwork. I love Tron, just so everyone knows. I know it's badly acted and written and the story is incredibly vague, but I love TRON a LOT. Anywho, I drew a lot of Tron art in January, and this one was the first. It's not entirely a milestone, but the month didn't really have any show stoppers.
February, a month where all I developed a new lineless method of colouring, where I'd put pieces together with flat blocks of colour and add some patterns to make them look like cut out paper. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed using it, and continued to use it for many pieces and still like to use it on occasion.
March, one of those milestones. March was the month I started to make a habit of drawing animals, despite the fact that I didn't like drawing them very much. I've learned a lot, starting from that single crocodile.
April was a month where something in anatomy just clicked. I'm not entirely sure what it was, but months later that picture of myself tackling TRON is still one of my favourites. There was something naturalistic and not stiff about it that I really liked, and still do.
May was when I started to get better at giving my characters unique face shapes, and it all started with a girl in the cafeteria who looked exactly like I always pictured Kara to look.
June was a month of a lot of sketches, and this Thor drawing was one that even though I drew it in thirty seconds, it came out incredibly loose and free, yet the idea still came across, which made me really proud.
July: More sketches, but I was still beating back that stiffness in my work. I was really proud of this sketch, which couldn't have been larger than three inches. I'm still really happy with it, because it was dynamic and interesting, which is what I usually struggle with in my art.
August: For a few months I drew nothing but pirates, inspired by RPs and... well mostly RPs. I drummed out a lot of impressive sketches, but I wasn't really finishing any of them. This is another one I was proud of because of how believable it felt, but also because of the fact that I was getting better at making my characters intelligible from each other.
September: My output of work immediately slowed down as soon as school started, and I couldn't keep up with my pages and pages of sketches along with doing all my homework. It was a sad time, but expected. In the first weeks of school, I drew this picture of Suka, and I was really proud of it because I succeeded in having a thin frame, and a curvy frame, in the same drawing. I struggle with thin characters, a lot.
October: I made a successful design leap for Tinette. Originally I'd given her very pointed features to try and enhance the entire 'bitch face' look, but for me it wasn't really getting the severity of her personality across. I later got it after reconsidering how to draw her high cheekbones, inspired by several different actresses. Tinette is a very handsome lady, if she'd just stop being so miserable all the time, and I think I finally got it.
November: I tried drawing children! And the best part, I actually succeeded. Excuse me while I do a victory dance right now.
December: I took a shot again at drawing my heavier character, Kara. I've drawn more, since finishing this chart, but I do think Kara still represents my best for the month of December. Round, happy, and satisfied with herself and her life. I'm very proud of her.
And that, would be this years work, and I'm pretty okay with it. I don't see the same jump I saw last year, or the year before, but I see subtle differences that are leading to a better me.
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