I survived week twelve.
Granted, on Saturday, the hell of week thirteen kicks in, but for the time being, I have tonight to relax.
Why? Because I finished fifty storyboards, my six page workbook, my nine page essay and-- Aaaah, isn't this beautiful?
So I spent my English class drawing pictures and reading a book.
It was beautiful.

Gettin' a chance to draw Kara. I've been having myself a good time working on Kara's build, and she's lovely.
I drew this earlier but got her arms all wrong, so I had to fix them up in photoshop, because I made them far too tiny for her build.
Aaaaah, this is just wonderful.
I could dance.
I'm not looking forward to the weekend, but right now? It is my day to shine.
*Does a dance*
*Does a dance*
*Does a dance*
Aaaaah. I'm going to just sit around and read a book and relax.
That's so much better!! Now your good cheerful self is showing through you're designs. Love it!