Disney should TOTALLY drop all their things and hire me as a layout painter.
Suffice to say I love TRON Legacy way more than is healthy.
Big fan of the new light suit designs, they seem so much more believable and real than the original ones. Probably because this time around all the costumes actually lit up; instead of having the lights digitally added like they were for the first film.
I got this idea while listening to the Daft Punk soundtrack for the new movie. Rebel was just made for the grid, I didn't have a problem designing him at all, haha. He's fun to draw. And he's developed a bit of a nasty streak since I've started to RP with him.
Rebels design was based off every character I've seen on the grid; no cotton, just supah spandex. Played with the lines some to make it stand out; black lines on a black character equal disaster.
Ninja's design was a little more difficult, because I didn't see her on the grid. She's too young to partake in the games, but I picture her being a bloody nightmare off the grid anyways. I based her colours mostly off Jem and Castor, Castor being the biggest influence. All the white was a little more difficult to light up- but I think I did okay by changing the colour of my lines.
I've GOT to get myself a copy of 'Betrayal'.
Also, so long as I'm on my TRON funk, I introduce:

Yes, I freaking love the new light suit designs. There's so much room for customization, I can have so much fun!
This drawing was a huge mess, haha, I had limbs all over the place and no idea what I was trying to do. His face is still all wrong, haha, but oh well, here's skinny skinny Sherry, and his light disk.
I picture him with more of a green blue, I think. Probably partaking in the disc battles. Poor guy, I don't think he'd last very long. This is obviously not half-gorgon Sherlock, just Sherlock, a regular, perfectly normal kid.

This one was a lot of fun to draw, ah ha! I based her hair off the muses from the new movie- and the visor was one of my own design, mostly inspired by Jarvis. Hooks around the back of the head and sits just about the ears while the visor protects the eyes. Her hair looks much shorter, only because it's half tied up.
I also drew Ainmire, and he had a TRONified cape, but I wasn't happy with the final picture, so I'll have to try again.
Hooray TRON!
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