And I am much happier with the results this time around, even if they aren't perfect. They're a little less stiff, so hey, it's a start!
Also the black on red helps.

I drew some Ainmires, some Sukas, a bunch of Ninjas, and couples! I like drawing couple pictures, so I'm abusing the hell out of the fact that two characters in a recent RP have a past together.
Today I was flipping through pages of the RP looking for things I haven't drawn yet- but all of my favourite moments, I've already drawn! Boo. I haven't drawn a lot of Tinas, I should draw some moments of her and... and... well, probably Irwin, because I find it funny.
Oh Irwin. You'll learn how to deal with the ladies one day, I'm sure of it. He's a smart man, he can fake it.
Ninja thinks she's batman, just so everyone knows. She's resourceful and very useful in a pinch, so long as that pinch doesn't require actual physical strength.

Drew Alan, saying some things he probably wouldn't say (he rarely swears around the ladies, Jem would brain him), and Garrett, with a broken toothpick neck, and Shaari, I suppose she's singing-
And I drew Phineas and Suka again, probably a long time ago, and probably while they were dating. I like drawing cute shit. I might even add some colour to this lineart to sharpen it up some- see how far I can get without inking a lineart.
And then, just for shits and giggles, I drew Kara and Ainmire! Why? Because I think Kara's lovely, and I think her and Ain are so adorable it makes me squeal inside. D'AAAAW, so cute.
Ainmire can be loveable, I swear.

And this pair is DANCING.
I get obsessed with removing negative space when I'm drawing two or more people in the same picture...
I really like this last one, I even inked it and I'm getting set to add colours and finish it up all nice and pretty.
I like painting, once I get into the groove. Bar stools, here I come!
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